We believe that The Bible is the inspired Word Of God and that it is absolute Truth and without error in the original manuscript. We believe the Holy Scriptures is the revealed will of God and is all-sufficient in faith and practice.
- We believe in the Trinity, that God exists in 3 persons – God The Father, Jesus The Son and The Holy Spirit.
- We believe that Jesus Chirst is God’s only begotten Son. We believe He was virgin born, lived a sinless life, died and shed His blood on The Cross for The Redemption of Mankind. We believe in HIs resurrection from the Dead, His ascension into Heaven and His exaltation at God’s Right Hand. We believe He will come again to Earth at His Second Coming.
- We believe that all people have sinned and come short of God’s Glory, therefore needing Salvation or the born-again experience. We believe when you repent of your sins and trust in Jesus and His Precious Blood you have Eternal Life.
- We believe that there are two ordinances that have been committed to the local church. The Ordinance of Baptism and the Ordinance of The Lord’s Supper and Communion and that these should be observed until Jesus returns.
- We believe in Believer’s Baptism. In scripture the order is always Believe, Repent, and then be Baptized in water – Acts 8:12; Acts 18:8. So water Baptism FOLLOWS Salvation. If you are born again and have received Jesus into your heart as your Savior, then you need to be Baptized. Also, to be baptized is obeying a command (Acts 2:38) and God always blesses obedience. Water Baptism is an outward and visible sign of an inward and Spiritual Transformation, declaring to those present that you are now a new creation in Jesus Christ.
Other local nondenominational Partnering Pastors of The Association of Fundamental Ministers and Churches (AFMC) include Pastors from the following Churches: